Friday, November 9, 2007

Change Your Mindset For A Nail Biting Cure

Nail biting is one of those unconscious impulsive habits many of us have. The reasons behind fingernail biting may include any of the following:

· Nervousness or anxiety
· Boredom
· Frustration
· Habit

But how do you change a behavior that is unconscious? Your nail biting cure can include several different steps.

· Increasing your awareness of the timing of when you bite your nails, is one step you can take. By learning when you “bite or chew” your nails you can either decrease those activities or find tactics to make it easier to do so without nail biting.

· Focus on how nice your nails will look when you stop biting them. Cut out pictures in magazines of nails and hands that look like you would like your hands to look. Post the pictures around your home and in areas when you are most apt to stick your fingers in your mouth and start to chew.

· Have your nails manicured regularly (Every 1-2 weeks). Your rewarding and pampering of yourself can be a positive part of your nail biting cure.

Hypnosis is one way of changing your unconscious nail biting habit. Many people have successfully changed their nails from bitten stubs to healthy beautiful nails by using hypnosis.

It's all about changing the nail biting habit,


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ready to Find Your Nailbiting Cure? Minimize Your Chance Of MRSA With These Tips

The Center for Disease Control came out with these guidelines to protect you from picking up a staph or MRSA infection from someone.

How can you prevent staph or MRSA skin infections?

Practice good hygiene:

1. Keep your hands clean by washing thoroughly with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
2. Keep cuts and scrapes clean and covered with a bandage until healed.
3. Avoid contact with other people’s wounds or bandages.
4. Avoid sharing personal items such as towels or razors.

It's important for many reasons to stop nail biting, find the nail biting treatment that works for you. Whether it's using hypnosis program , a barrier like gloves , or a stop it nail polish, you can find a nail biting treatment that works for you.

In the meantime, carry hand sanitizer and wash your hands. If your cuticles crack or your nails bleed wash them and cover with a bandage till healed. Protect yourself from MRSA and other infections.

It's all about changing the nail biting habit,

Monday, November 5, 2007

Nail Biting Treatments To Minimize Your Chance of MRSA

Since posting about MRSA and nail biting, a few "skeptics" have asked me the same questions:

"Are staph infections that easy to get?"

Well the answer is "yes" and "no." If you don't wash your hands, and continue to bite your nails sooner or later you will put staph bacteria in your mouth. If you are unlucky or circumstances aren't in your favor, then yes, you will end up with a staph infection.

If you use good hygiene, wash your hands and avoid people with staph infections you probably won't catch a staph infection.

But people who are into nail biting put their fingers in their mouth when they bite their nails. When they do this bacteria of many types can enter their body. Also people who are nail biters frequently have cracked and bleeding cuticles where bacteria can easily enter.

"Is it REALLY true you could get MRSA by nail biting and die? Or is this just hype?"

Can't say I blame those wondering if MRSA is just hype, either. But people are dying from MRSA.

Just Google MRSA deaths. In the UK according to Medical News Today Superbug MRSA deaths up 1400% in a decade. And so many of the deaths are preventable, just by washing your hands.

Don't take my word for it. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says "While 25% to 30% of the population is colonized with staph, approximately 1% is colonized with MRSA." Colonized just means the staph bacteria or even worse the MRSA bacteria lives in their bodies.

The staph bacteria or even the MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphyloccus Aureus) doesn't cause these carriers of the bacteria problems. The carriers can cause you problems especially if you are a nail biter.But if they cough, sneeze or spread the bacteria around by not washing their hands you could pick staph bacteria. If you are a nail biter you could touch a surface the MRSA carrier has coughed or sneezed or touched.

So I decided to post this video from YouTube about how easy bacteria is spread around. You'll never look at snacks in the lunch room the same way ever again.

It's all about changing the nail biting habit,


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Find Your Nail Biting Treatment to Prevent MRSA

If nail biting is a challenge for you or a loved one, you need to seriously consider finding the nail biting treatment to fit you and your life.

Why am I pushing so much? Well there is a type of bacterial infection called MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus).

It's a type of staph infection. You may have seen reports on the news where people who get the infection die. Yes, I said DIE.

This infection is methicillin resistant. What does that mean? Methicillin is a type of very powerful antibiotic in the penicillin family. The bacteria MRSA doesn't respond or die when the methicillin type of antibiotic is given.

According to an ABC news report almost 1% of the US population carries MSRA. That means they have MRSA in their body but it doesn't make them ill.

Many catch MRSA when they are patients in the hospital. Others catch it in the community. It can be picked up in the gym, at school or anywhere someone who has MRSA leaves the bacteria.

So why should you care? Well if you or a loved one is a nail biter, then you potentially are at risk.By nail biting you introduce bacteria in your mouth. Nail biters frequently have cuts or sores on their fingers through which the MRSA bacteria can get in.

Take a few minutes to decide what nail biting treatment plan you want to start and do it today. Some ways to stop nail biting:

Your life is too important to not stop. Find your nail biting treatment to stop fingernail biting. There are many nail biting treatment choices available. One is right for you.

It's all about changing the nail biting habit,
