Monday, October 8, 2007

Nail Biting: What's Your Pattern?

Habits become so repetitive, so usual, so customary we don't even have to think to make the behavior happen. Nail biting fits in that category for most people.

To change or stop a behavior means first having a conscious level of awareness when the nail biting happens. There are a variety of ways to develop your awareness of when you bite your nails.

1. Get a small spiral notebook. You want it small enough to fit in your purse or jeans pocket.
2. Add a pen or pencil you can attach to the notebook.
3. Keep the notebook with you at all times.

For the next week, write down the following notes in your notepad.
  • date, time of day when you notice/find/ were told you were biting your nails
  • what you were doing when you found, felt or knew you were biting your nails
  • what were you feeling as you bit your nails (happy, sad, angry, bored, frustrated, scared or ??)
By spending the time discovering when you bite your nails, you can then focus on the way you want to change.

It's all about changing the nail biting habit,


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