Monday, October 15, 2007

Nail Biting Cures: Ways To Stop Nail Biting

Most of us plan our vacation with great detail. Where are we going? What are we going to pack or wear? What do we want to do?

All of the planning comes together to insure a successful vacation. If we plan then we have more of a chance for having the vacation we want-whether restful, adventurous, fun or just doing nothing. The planning helps remember the details that make our vacation enjoyable.

Let's focus on how you can set up a plan to stop nail biting successfully. You've been working in your notebook. So far you've listed your trigger times, and circumstances leading to your nail biting.

Take out the notebook and look at your trigger items. What activities cause you to bite your nails? Is there a particular time of day when the urge to bite your nails strikes?

Designing Your Personal Success Plan
  • For each activity write down a minimum of two alternatives to biting your nails. What do you need to start using the alternatives? Do you have the supplies for each?
  • Who do you want in your support network? Family, friends, therapists, or family doctor
Taking some time to design your success plan can make stopping nail biting easier.

It's all about changing the nail biting habit,


Some people have found self hypnosis to be part of their Quit Nail Biting success plan. Find your self hypnosis guide, go to No More Nail Biting

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